

Commercial solid waste disposal is carried out by Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. Commercial Service bins can be customized to the particular needs of the business or multi-family dwelling complex. This includes bins for recyclable material at no cost.

It is important to Upland's success at maintaining our 50% diversion goal that our commercial sector utilizes recycling bins for the disposal of cardboard, paper and other recyclables. Use of free recycling bins for cardboard will also increase capacity in your refuse bin, reducing overflow and overall refuse disposal costs. Ask Burrtec about their free recycling bins.

For Construction Jobs To Commercial Services

  • Order a demo-box, roll-off box or temporary bin.
  • Separate construction and demolition materials for recycling, and keep green waste uncontaminated for recycling.

For Construction or Demolition (C/D) Projects That Require Building Permits

  • Obtain a C/D Waste Management Plan from Development Services at City Hall. This is a working plan to maximize your recycling.
  • Contact Burrtec Waste Customer Service at (909) 949-0500
  • New service can be initiated by calling Burrtec Waste
  • Discuss your bin size and refuse pickup frequency needs and rates
  • Don’t forget to order your free recycling bin to offset your refuse disposal costs
  • You may adjust your service levels as necessary
  • Temporary bin service, demo boxes and roll-offs are available through Burrtec Waste

Food Waste Recycling (AB 1826)

Assembly Bill 1826 (AB 1826)

Effective January 1, 2017 businesses that generate more than 4 cubic yards of organic waste per week and multi-family residential properties with five dwelling units or more that generate 4 cubic yards or organic and/or green waste shall arrange for organics recycling services.

For additional information, please click on the documents  below.

Mandatory Commercial Recycling (AB 341)

 State legislation (AB 341) mandates businesses and public entities generating four (4) cubic yards or more of waste per week and multifamily residential dwellings with five (5) units or more to recycle.

All businesses and multifamily residential dwellings are encouraged to take advantage of recycling programs and select any combination of the following to divert commercial solid waste from disposal:

  • Subscribe to recycling services from Burrtec
  • Arrange for the pickup of recyclable materials
  • Self-haul recyclables to a recycling center
  • Utilize mixed-waste processing services

More details can be found at

It is important for business and multifamily residential dwellings to be proactive and contact their solid waste recycling service provider to ensure they are receiving the recycling services necessary to comply with AB 341.

A property owner of a commercial business or a multifamily residential dwelling may require tenants to source separate their recyclable materials to aid in compliance.

The City of Upland is required to assess whether affected generators (businesses/multifamily residential dwellings) are complying with the requirement to recycle. They are also required to identify and notify businesses that are not in compliance and inform them of the requirement to recycle and how they can recycle.

Starting a recycling program is not the same for everyone; however the first step is to assess the materials (or waste) that your business or multifamily residential dwelling generates. Then choose the right size of both trash and recycling bins that will suit your needs. Finally, and most importantly, educate your staff or tenants on the right materials for each bin. While the steps can be few they are important.

Burrtec Recycling Coordinators can assist in establishing a program, along with providing the necessary education and outreach. Call Burrtec-Customer Service Department today to schedule a complimentary waste and recycling survey, (909) 949-0500.


460 N. Euclid Avenue
Upland, CA 91786
(909) 931-4100

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.