Planning FAQ
What do I need to get a Sign Permit?
You first need to find out from the Planning Department what the zoning designation for your property is and if a sign program was previously approved on that property. If a sign program is approved for your property, the sign program will outline the signage requirements on the property.
What do I need to get a City Business License?
You need to find out from the Planning Department what the zoning designation for your property is and if the proposed use is allowed within that zone. Once it is determined that the use is permitted, you can obtain a City Business License, through HdL Companies at or call (909) 348-0460.
What is a General Plan and what is a Zoning Code?
A General Plan is the “blue print” of the City’s future vision, goals and policies. The State requires cities to have a General Plan that guides future development in the City. The Zoning Code provides for implementation of the General Plan, orderly development, a streamlined process, and Design Guidelines to provide clear direction to property owners and staff for project implementation.
What is the Zoning and General Plan designation for my property?
To find out the Zoning and General Plan designations for your property, please refer to the Zoning and General Plan Maps. Click on the following links to view the Zoning Map or General Plan Map.
What do I need if I want to add a room to my house?
The first thing to do is to contact the Planning Department at (909) 931-4130 to determine what the zoning designation and setbacks are for your property and if your house is a historic property. Once you have completed your scaled plans, which will include: site plan, square footage, setbacks, lot coverage, and elevations, you will be required to submit all plans and forms to the Planning Department. To find out the cost of your permits and additional submittal requirements, please call the Building Department at (909) 931-4110.
How do I apply for a special event permit or a film permit?
The first step is to contact the Planning Department, either by phone at (909) 931-4130 or in person, to obtain an application for a special event. Along with the application, you will need to submit a detailed site plan, and a letter of consent signed by the property owner stating they will allow the special event.
Development Process
To view the City of Upland flow chart indicating the typical Development Process*, please click the PDF below.
*The flow chart represents the typical processing timeline for a project. However, a project may require longer processing based on certain factors of the project including, application completeness, environmental analysis or other factors of the project application. Approval of a project is based on Planning Commission review and approval and this timeline does not guarantee approval.